JavaScript is a programming language primarily used to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces on the web. It is a client-side scripting language, meaning the code is executed by the user’s web browser rather than the web server. JavaScript is used to make web pages more interactive and responsive and to create web applications that can update and change content without needing a page refresh.
JavaScript code is typically included in an HTML or XHTML file using the <script> tag, and it can be executed as soon as the browser has finished loading the page. JavaScript can be used to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page, which allows developers to change the structure, content, and styling of a page.
Things that can be done using JavaScript:
Form validation: Checking that form fields have been filled out correctly before the form is submitted.
Image sliders and carousels: Creating image sliders and carousels that automatically change the image displayed.
Dynamic content: Loading new content into a page without needing a refresh.
Interactive maps: Creating interactive maps allows users to zoom in and out and click on different areas.
Games and interactive experiences: Creating games and interactive experiences that run in the browser.
JavaScript is widely used in web app development, and all major web browsers support it. It has also grown to be used in other areas, such as server-side programming, mobile apps, and desktop apps with frameworks like ReactNative, Electron, and Node.js.
Also, See: GitHub