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January 30, 2023

PageRank is a system used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. It was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, while they were graduate students at Stanford University.

PageRank works by analyzing the links between web pages, with the idea that a page with many high-quality links pointing to it is likely to be more relevant and valuable than a page with few or low-quality links.

PageRank uses a mathematical algorithm to assign a “score” or “rank” to each webpage on the internet, with the highest score indicating the most important or relevant webpage. The score of a webpage is determined by the number and quality of links pointing to it and the scores of the pages linking to it.

PageRank is one of many factors that Google uses to determine the relevance and importance of a webpage, and it is not the only factor used to rank web pages. Google considers many other factors, such as content relevance, user experience and behavior, and the website’s technical structure and performance, to determine a webpage’s relevance for a given query.

It is important to note that PageRank is no longer publicly available as a metric. Google stopped updating the Toolbar PageRank, and it was last updated in 2016.

Also, See: Google Bots

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