What is Agile Software Development?
Agile software development is an iterative and incremental process that emphasizes collaboration and flexibility. The Agile software development process is based on the idea that software should be created in small increments, allowing for quick feedback and change.
Agile Software Development was born out of several software methodologies, including Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Lean Software Development, and Crystal Methods. All these methods share similar philosophies but were often incompatible because they were developed independently.
Phases of Agile Software Development
The Agile software development process consists of five main phases:
- Backlog: The backlog is a prioritized list of all the software the client wants to build, including both new features and bug fixes.
- Sprint Planning: Once a sprint has been agreed upon, the team meets to decide how much work they will do during that period (usually two weeks). They also set goals for each task and decide how many developers will work on each task to meet those goals.
- Sprint: During this phase, developers take turns working on tasks until it’s time for another team member’s turn at bat. This continues until everyone gets their chance at completing some part of an overall project goal or feature set within a sprint (two weeks).
- Retrospective Review Meeting: At the end of every sprint cycle (two weeks), developers have an opportunity to reflect on what went well during that cycle and what could be improved upon next time around by having an open discussion with their peers as well as management or other stakeholders involved with managing projects being built using agile practices.
Agile Software development can help your team create software that better meets the needs of its users.
Agile software development can help your team create software that better meets the needs of its users. Agile is a philosophy, not a specific methodology. If you’ve read about agile and want to try it on for size, here are some things to look for in a good agile software development tool:
- The first thing you’ll want to look at when reviewing an agile tool is how easy it is to use. It’s important that you can get started quickly with minimum training—you don’t want to spend valuable time learning how to use the tool if there’s already a solution out there that works well enough with your team’s current processes.
- Some tools will have features specifically designed for new teams just getting started with agile methodologies; these might include templates or tutorials that can help guide new teams through their initial workflows and practices. These tools may also guide how best to integrate different disciplines into an overall project plan to remain productive even though they’re working on different parts simultaneously (or even remotely).