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2xx Status Codes

January 30, 2023

2xx status codes refer to the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) status codes that indicate that a request from a client (such as a web browser) to a server (such as a web server) has been successfully received and processed.

The most common 2xx status codes are:

200 OK: The request was successful, and the server has returned the requested resource. This most common status code is returned when a user requests a webpage.

201 Created: The request was successful, and the server has created a new resource. This status code is typically used when a user submits a form to create a new resource, such as creating a new user account.

204 No Content: The request was successful, but there is no content to return. This status code is typically used when a user submits a form to update a resource, and the server returns no content.

Other 2xx status codes are:

202 Accepted: The request has been accepted for processing but has not been completed.

203 Non-Authoritative Information: The request was successful, but the information returned is from a third-party, not the original server.

2xx status codes indicate that the server has understood and successfully processed the request. The client can expect that the request was fulfilled and, in most cases, that the resource is available for the client to use. These status codes indicate that the server has received, understood, and accepted the request and that the action has been completed.

It’s important to monitor the HTTP status codes of a website, as they can indicate the health and performance of the website and can help identify and troubleshoot issues.

Also, See: 4xx Status Code

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