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Broad Match Modifier

February 19, 2023

Broad Match Modifier (BMM) is a keyword match type in Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) that allows advertisers to show their ads for a broader range of search terms while maintaining a higher degree of control over which searches trigger their ads.

Broad Match Modifier keywords are indicated by a plus sign (+) in front of one or more words in a keyword phrase. For example, if you add the BMM modifier to the keyword “+red +shoes,” your ad could be triggered by searches such as “red high heel shoes,” “red sneakers,” or “red shoes for women.”

Unlike broad match keywords, which can trigger ads for any search that Google considers relevant, BMM keywords provide greater control over which searches trigger your ads. By adding the plus sign to specific words in a keyword phrase, you can tell Google that those words must be included in the search term for your ad to show.

Benefits of using Broad Match Modifier keywords:

More targeted traffic: BMM keywords allow you to show your ads to a broader range of search terms while maintaining control over which searches trigger your ads.

Higher relevance: By adding the plus sign to specific words in a keyword phrase, you can ensure that your ads are more relevant to the user’s search intent, leading to higher click-through rates (CTR) and conversions.

Better control: BMM keywords give you more control over which search terms trigger your ads, so you can avoid irrelevant searches and reduce wasted ad spend.

When using Broad Match Modifier keywords, monitoring your campaign performance and adjusting your bids and keyword lists are important. BMM keywords can help you expand your reach while maintaining control over your ad targeting, but they require careful monitoring and optimization to achieve optimal results.

Also, See: Exact Match Keywords

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