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Organic Traffic

January 29, 2023

Organic traffic refers to the visitors that come to a website from search engine results instead of paid traffic from sources such as paid search ads or display ads. Organic traffic is considered an important metric for SEO because it indicates the number of visitors finding a website through unpaid search results, which is considered a more sustainable and long-term traffic source than paid traffic.

Organic traffic is generated when a user types a query in a search engine and clicks on a website that appears in the unpaid search results. These results are also known as “organic results” instead of paid results, labeled as “ads.”

Organic traffic can be broken down into different segments, such as:

Direct traffic: users that type your website URL directly in the browser

Referral traffic: users that come to your website from other websites through links

Search traffic: users that come to your website from search engine results

To increase organic traffic:

  • Creating high-quality and relevant content that satisfies the user’s search intent.
  • Optimizing the website’s structure and technical elements to make it more search engine-friendly.
  • Building high-quality backlinks from other reputable websites.
  • Utilizing schema markup and other structured data to help search engines understand the website’s content.

It’s important to note that organic traffic can fluctuate over time and can be affected by many factors, such as changes in search engine algorithms, competition, and the overall interest in the website’s topic. Therefore, it’s important to regularly monitor and analyze organic traffic and adjust the SEO strategy accordingly.

Also, See: Search Intent in SEO

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